11 December 2010

ministry of sound, er... pain

so since its our last weekend in london (sadface) a ton of us decided we needed to all go out hardcore to a club. we all got tickets to ministry of sound friday night and were all really excited for a night out with everyone going crazy. we got there, checked our coats, stopped by the bar, and headed to the dance floor. i am a huge fan of dancing. im always the one saying "i just wanna daaaaance" wining about it till it happens, so this was really fun for me, i even wore flats because 1 its so much easier to dance and 2 we were gonna be out super late. we had been dancing for a while before my friends jess and alex and i were pulled up onto a speaker for a bit. somehow, jess fell and pulled alex who pulled me or something of the sort, and we all tumbled to the ground off this 4ft tall speaker, which, mind you, is 1ft shy of my entire body. jess and alex were fine, but i twisted my ankle horribly. i must have gone into shock because i don't remember the fall but i remember dancing and then bawling my eyes out in the hallway to two other friends. someone got alex to come with me with the EMT at the club. we pretty much got a backstage tour of the club on our way back to the paramedic's room, which was cool. i was crying the whole time, in pain and scared i had broken something. the people that took care of me were so nice though, we were there for probably an hour while they asked me questions and iced and elevated my ankle for me. it was pretty swollen, but not broken, so i decided i just needed to get home, in bed, to sleep. honestly though, i had a great time with friends while it lasted, and alex and i had fun with the paramedics, so it really wasnt that bad. alex was seriously my savior he was with me all night helping me and doing what he could to make sure i was gonna be ok. he got me to bed, propped up my ankle, and even put together an icebag for me. i slept so well and slept in pretty late because my whole body ached. i found another bruise on my other knee and my right jawbone must be bruised on the inside because it hurts to touch and is a little sensitive to chewing. i bought icepacks and a brace and have been able to hobble around for the most part, but its gonna take some time to fully recover. what a night.
notice the sign... "no dancing on this surface"

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